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We have worked across a number of technical areas and geographies – with a focus on increasing the agility and responsiveness of health systems to population needs
New Technologies & HealthLead Analyst for a global assessment of health workforce information systems for BMGF Seattle, covering 20 countries Analyst for a global assessment of value chains and business models around health information systems. Led the India research component, focussing on Uttar Pradesh. Created a scale up strategy for a community health worker supervisory application in a dynamic systems context in Uttar Pradesh, India. Developed a capacity building strategy for a new health information system, and strategic information for the Sri Lankan National AIDS Control Program Developed an mHealth application focussing on sexual and reproductive health. Winner of the USAID Family Planning Grand Challenge (CAMTECH Jugaadathon 2015), Special mention from the UNESCO SRH Innovation Awards. Advised the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India and BMGF on the scalability of specific mHealth and eHealth interventions in India Conducted an assessment of SmartCare – an electronic health record system in Zambia - Developed the strategy paper and workplan for Digital Green’s Virtual Training Institute – an online capacity building and quality assurance platform
Capacity BuildingConducted a training needs assessment and developed a data use capacity building strategy for Alive & Thrive and Poshan Abhiyaan (the National Nutrition Mission), including training and supportive supervision components. Focussed on Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka, with a view to national scale up. Developed a capacity building strategy for a new health information system, and strategic information for the Sri Lankan National AIDS Control Program Created training resources for the roll out of a human resource information system for the Ministry of Health, Republic of Zambia (the Systems for Better Health Project, USAID). Provided advisory support to the National Urban Health Mission, Government of India on capacity building (ADB) Developed the strategy paper for Digital Green’s Virtual Training Institute - an online capacity building and quality assurance platform Designed facilitators guides, activities and training modules for basic M&E, and TB under RNTCP In 2009, designed and ran a beginners M&E course at the Urban Health Conference in Nairobi. Prior to public health career – worked as a teacher of English as a foreign language to adults.
Implementation ResearchDeveloped a results based framework for a nutrition advocacy project. Developed operations research protocols for cervical cancer integration and referrals for a consortium of providers (Marie Stopes International, Population Sciences International and International Planned Parenthood Federation) working in Uganda. Developed M&E frameworks for a $40 million USAID HIV/AIDS project in India Worked at the Carolina Population Center (CPC) on the MEASURE Evaluation project – one of the premier monitoring and evaluation projects in the world. At MEASURE, supported results reporting and conducted literature reviews. At CPC – worked on the Measurement Learning and Evaluation Project for the Urban Reproductive Health Initiative – tasked with conducting a longitudinal evaluation of a family planning intervention in four countries (Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal and Uttar Pradesh in India). At this project, I liaised with country project implementation teams, and developed a basic M&E training. Supported IntraHealth’s Vistaar project by developing analysis plans for reports and briefs
Strategic SupportAnalyst for a global assessment of value chains and business models around health information systems Supported a private sector healthcare consulting firm in their transformational journey through mentorship and inputs into organisational needs. Developed a results based framework for a nutrition advocacy project. Advised the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India and BMGF on the scalability of specific mHealth and eHealth interventions in India Developed the strategy paper and workplan for Digital Green’s Virtual Training Institute – an online capacity building and quality assurance platform Wrote and implemented a knowledge management and scale up strategy for the BMGF funded Sukshema Project – a maternal and child health project. For the MLE Project – set up a listserv and website to support an M&E training, and wrote a topic paper about how KM can support data use (see publications). While at UNICEF Bangladesh Country Office – developed a KM strategy for the Planning Division.
Strategic CommunicationWriting of reports, briefs, presentation deck development and production of other communication materials – carefully tailored to the purpose and information seeking habits of the target audience (see publications).
Human Resources for HealthLead Analyst for a global assessment of health workforce information systems for BMGF Seattle Worked with the SNEH Project to map current practice in Human Resources for Health Management Information Systems across ten different states in India.
Data UseDeveloped a data use capacity building strategy for Alive & Thrive and Poshan Abhiyaan (the National Nutrition Mission), including training and supportive supervision components Most work has involved a component of promoting data use, either through strategic communication, stakeholder engagement or assessing current data use practices.
Public Health Strategies has worked in India, Uganda, USA, Australia, Bangladesh, Kenya, Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Zambia and Nepal – in district, state, national and global projects. Highlights are illustrated on the map below.
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